We study the problem of combining neural networks with symbolic reasoning. Recently introduced frameworks for Probabilistic Neurosymbolic Learning (PNL), such as DeepProbLog, perform exponential-time exact inference, limiting the scalability of PNL solutions. We introduce Approximate Neurosymbolic Inference (A-NeSI): a new framework for PNL that uses neural networks for scalable approximate inference. A-NeSI 1) performs approximate inference in polynomial time without changing the semantics of probabilistic logics; 2) is trained using data generated by the background knowledge; 3) can generate symbolic explanations of predictions; and 4) can guarantee the satisfaction of logical constraints at test time, which is vital in safety-critical applications. Our experiments show that A-NeSI is the first end-to-end method to scale the Multi-digit MNISTAdd benchmark to sums of 15 MNIST digits, up from 4 in competing systems. Finally, our experiments show that A-NeSI achieves explainability and safety without a penalty in performance.
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语言模型(LMS)已被证明在各种下游应用程序中很有用,例如摘要,翻译,问答和文本分类。由于它们可以存储的大量信息,LMS正在成为人工智能中越来越重要的工具。在这项工作中,我们提出了道具(提示为探测),该道具利用GPT-3(最初由OpenAI在2020年提出的大型语言模型)来执行知识基础构建任务(KBC)。 Prop实施了一种多步骤方法,该方法结合了各种提示技术来实现这一目标。我们的结果表明,手动提示策划是必不可少的,必须鼓励LM给出可变长度的答案集,特别是包括空的答案集,True/False问题是提高LM生成的建议精度的有用设备。 LM的大小是至关重要的因素,并且实体字典别名提高了LM评分。我们的评估研究表明,这些提出的技术可以大大提高最终预测的质量:Prop赢得了LM-KBC竞争的轨道2,表现优于基线36.4个百分点。我们的实施可在https://github.com/hemile/iswc-challenge上获得。
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